Why Everyone should be doing Yoga

Older yogis


If you haven’t done any yoga in the past and you are in your 60’s or 70’s, you may be wondering, is it too late to start a yoga practice? There really is no age limit to yoga. Where ever you are at, is where you start. Most yoga poses have modifications and you will find over time, there will be an improvement in strength and flexibility. There is a growing movement to introduce yoga to kids. They are a lot more flexible and agile, but they also benefit with improved concentration, focus and attention span.

If you are looking to go deeper into Yoga, check out House of Yoga


A common excuse for not doing yoga is ‘I am not flexible enough’. Yoga is not about flexibility. With regular stretching and practice, you do become more flexible but that is not the goal. Even if you are very stiff, you can start with the poses that your body allows and build from there. You don’t have to do the pose illustrated on Day 1. But if that is what you want, with time and practice, your will get there.

Start with the foundation poses such as child’s pose, down-dog, Warrior I, II and III, mountain pose, tree-pose, seated twists, baby cobra, upward facing dog and forward fold. Commit to mastering Surya Namaska (sun-salutation), building strength in the arms with chaturanga dandasana before attempting intermediate poses.

Wheel with leg up

Yoga is not only for girls

Although yoga is popular amongst women, male yogis can equally enjoy yoga practice and reap the rewards. Yoga can help men develop strength and flexibility, as well as improve mood and concentration. Most of the yoga gurus are male. Don’t be intimidated by the strong flexible females in the class, as men tend to build up strength faster. With regular practice, you will achieve physical fitness and mental calmness.